This question came up during Bible Study in church as we were looking at Abraham and his lineage and how God changed his name from Abram to Abraham.
I think the more important question is this – Who does God say that you are?
Growing up, I battled with an inferiority complex; always feeling that everyone was better than me; I was short, ugly, uninteresting and well,..boring.
What changed all that? Learning about who I am in Christ. Learning from the Word of God just how much God loves me just as I am. Reminding myself daily that ‘I am fearfully and wonderfully made’ Psalm 139:14
It sure didn’t happen overnight,..but I thank God for how far He’s brought me. And this is true for all of us. The Word says – But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9
One scene I’ll never forget in the movie – Overcomer, is where Hannah comes to tell her coach the answer to the question- who are you?, after reading Ephesians 1. It literally brings tears to my eyes:
I am created by God. He designed me. So I’m not a mistake.
His Son died for me, just so I could be forgiven.
He picked me to be His own, so I’m chosen.
He redeemed me, so I am wanted.
He showed me Grace, just so I could be saved.
He has a future for me, because He loves me!
So I don’t wonder anymore, Coach Harrison. I AM a child of God!
I just wanted you to know.
Praaaaaaaaise God!